Get Your Own AI-Powered ChatBot for your Business –
Free of Charge

We need your help!
We are offering our AI-powered chatbot service free of charge to the next 10 businesses with their own website.
All DONE-FOR-YOU service we normally charge $497 for setup and $97 for monthly maintenance.
Businesses get up to 5000 messages per month for your very own chatbot you can implement on your website.
Simple sign up process, just input all the details on the sign up form and a chatbot will be built for you.
Expected time of delivery would be 03 – 14 days from date of information received.
In exchange for this, we will include a “🚀 Powered by” on your chatbot and you will need to leave a Google Review for us within 30 days of implementation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why are you offering this for free when there are some solutions charging over a few thousands per month?
A: We are moving into AI-powered Support Assistant Solutions with the chatbot solutions we have created and we need new customers. Best way forward is to let businesses try it out without forking out unnecessary costs.
Q: How long are my free chatbot for?
A: We will provide a 12-month free hosting and maintenance of your chatbot. This 12months period is more than enough for you to decide if AI-powered chatbots helps in your business.
Q: How many free chatbot can I get?
A: It will be ONE per business.
Q: What are the prerequisites of getting this free chatbot offer?
A: You must be 1) Singapore-registered business, 2) Have an existing website with your own business domain name.
Q: Where can I put my chatbot? Can I put it inside WhatsApp or FB Messenger?
A: The chatbot will be placed on your website. At the current moment, we only offer conversational chatbot (paid service) for integration to WhatsApp or FB Messenger. Our development team is working to integrate the bots to WhatsApp and FB Messenger.
Q: I do not know how to add the codes to my website, can you help?
A: Definitely, as a part of our free offer includes setting up, we can add the codes to your website at no extra costs. However, we will require your website admin login details. You are encouraged to change the login passwords after we have successfully implemented the chatbot.
Q: What web platforms can you work with?
A: We have sucessfully implemented our chatbots on sites built with WordPress, GHL or HTML. We currently do not offer setup on sites built with WIX.
Q: Why restrict to 5000 messages per month?
A: Costs. It cost us money to pay OpenAI (the technology we are leveraging on to power the AI chats). Most small businesses receives less than 1000 messages per month, so 5000 messages will be more than enough for most.
Q: What if we exceed the limit?
A: You can choose to upgrade to our paid packages.
Q: What will happen to our chatbot if we exceed the limit?
A: Your chatbot will not answer the questions posed. If your business receives over 5000 messages per month, we strongly urged you opt for the paid service and give other small business owners a chance for this free offer.
Q: How do you determine who gets the chatbot.
A: In spirit of fairness, we will do it on a First-Come-First-Serve basis base on the sign-ups we get, based on the date-stamp of the sign-ups.
Q: Can the “Powered by ChatBotSG” message be removed from our chatbot you developed?
A: Yes, you can subscribe to the paid service (with the setup fees waived) at $97 per month (payable monthly via Stripe). This fee also includes support and maintenance (including up to 5 times data/information re-training per month) of the chatbot.
Q: Do I get any support for this “free” service?
A: Yes, we will still offer basic support service like bug-fixes and ensuring your bot stays up.
Q: We need to re-train the data/information for our bot. Do you offer this service?
A: For this free offer, we offer a one-time training of your data/information. It is important you provide the correct data/information initially so we can get the setup properly done.
However, if you have any updated data/information that you would like to include for your chatbot, you have two choices – 1) subscribe to our paid service or 2) purchase a data re-train package.
Q: What are your data re-train package like?
A: We offer a very affordable one time charge of $20 to re-train the data/information you have. If you are expecting several changes, you can purchase a 12x re-train package at $100 that will give you a 12 times data re-training service.
Q: Does your data re-train package have any expiry period?
A: No, once you purchase the data re-train package, you are free to use it within the 12 months period of the free chatbot you are getting from us.
Q: What are the common information we need to include for our chatbot?
A: Have no worries, our sign-up form includes tips and information on what to include.
Q: What is “training or re-training of our data/information”?
A: When you provide us with the data and information about your business, we will use AI to learn about the information. These information will be used to answer questions your users ask.
Q: What if we decide the solution is not for us? How can we cancel our free chatbot with you?
A: That’s easy. Simply remove the codes from your website, drop us an email and we will get it remove. All data/information regarding your chatbot will be removed from our system completely.
Q: What about the data?
A: All data/information trained for your chatbot remains your property. We will not use, nor re-use them for any other purposes.
Q: Can you give us a sample or example?
A: Simpliest way is to chat with our own chatbot, at the bottom right of this screen. Ask any questions you have about chatbots and how it can help your business.
Q: What can a AI powered chatbot do for our business?
A: This would be a lengthy answer. We suggest you chat with our chatbot on the bottom right of this screen to get the answer.
Q: Who are you?
A: We are, a service by Pavior Pte Ltd. has been providing conversational chatbot solutions to clients for several years now. We just finished our AI-powered chatbot solutions and are now able to offer the solutions to businesses now.
Q: When and how do we know we got one of the ten free chatbots?
A: Once we received your sign up with complete details, we will be in touch with you with your preferred mode of contact. You will be informed of the expected date of completion and given the necessary details on deploying your free AI Chatbot.
We reserve all rights to reject any applications if we deem your business to be not a match for our offer.